Solutions to everyday problems.
When your own time and hands are not enough, we help.
Our services consist of affordable collection of clothes and goods for charity and recycling sales, as well as our other collection and transportation services.
Whether your needs are shopping pickup or carpets taken to the laundry, we offer affordable alternatives to everyday transportation challenges.

Pick-up of clothes and goods
We collect unwanted, good-quality clothing and items. The collected clothing and items are recycled, sold, or donated to charity in our home country, depending on the situation.
Prices from €10 / pickup
Goods pickup & transportation
Does a sofa that has been used up need to be transported to a final disposal site?
Do you want to buy a Tori.fi product, but can't pick it up yourself?
Transporting extra furniture for you to a relative?
Whatever your pickup or transportation needs, please contact us.

Shopping and transaction assistance
We will get a sales receipt from you and go through it with you.
You can join the shop.
or stay home and wait.
We will pick up the products from the store and, if you wish, help you disassemble and put them back in place.
If necessary, we will take you to do things, such as to the pharmacy or post office.
UUTTA MEILLÄ: Sisusta kierrättämällä-palvelu
Does the interior need updating? Or is your first home lacking furniture?
We will find the items you need for you and bring them to your home, as well as take away the old ones if necessary.
Whether you want new or used recycled goods, contact us and ask for a quote!